Bare Essence® Androstenol
For Women Vanilla
- 雲哩拿味 -
Item Number: ZSBEV
費洛蒙 (Pheromone) 又稱“信息素”; 是人體分泌出來吸引異性的物質。當每天沐浴後,便會將汙垢和人體費洛蒙一起洗掉。但不清潔身體,人體費洛蒙便會和自身的汗液和汙垢混合,破壞吸引異性的效果。
美國Bare Essence® 自八十年代開始至今,專業研製費洛蒙 (Pheromone) 已有十多年歷史。研究員發現,人體費洛蒙(Pheromone)又分雄性費洛蒙“Androstenone”
和雌性費洛蒙“Androstenol” 。
現在你只需將Bare Essence®雌性費洛蒙“Androstenol”
塗在手腕或耳背2-3次,便能勾引異性,大大增加與異性交歡的機會!若想增加與伴侶交歡樂趣,更可將Bare Essence®雌性費洛蒙“Androstenol”塗在睡床的枕套、被褥、被套、床墊等上於房間發放,保證令你有一個激烈難忘的晚上!
Bare Essence® Colognes for Her 10 ml
Bare Essence® cologne has been a
Wallace-O'Farrell trademark for more than 15 progressive years.
Our original Bare Essence (BEBOX) is
scented with a light floral fragrance. This cologne became so popular that we
later added an Unscented version (BEUNSBOX) for the lady who wants that extra
edge that comes from wearing pheromones but still wants to wear her favorite
perfume or cologne as well. Vanilla (BEVANBOX) is our newest fragrance and has
rapidly become every bit as popular as the other versions.
We suggest a warm bath or shower followed
by a touch of Bare Essence Cologne prior to a night of fun flirting and
possible romance.
All of our Bare Essence products are
enhanced with androstenol (a female pheromone).
產品價格 HKD 189.00
(7-11便利店 /
OK便利店 / 順豐站及門市)
9703 / WeChat:Jack66089703