Perfect Fit【巡洋艦公雞屌環】Cruiser Cock Ring – Clear $249 # PFB-CR-15C

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Cruiser Cock Ring - Clear


Item Number: PFB-CR-15C



我們的Cruiser 」專為男士保持硬度及延遲射精而製造,能夠為你在床上完成不可能的任務。但是不要讓他笨重的外表看起來讓你失望。它有超強的彈性,所以佩戴時非常舒適,同時在性交過程中輕輕地箍緊你的陰莖,令到血液不會倒流,保持長時間堅硬無比。而且,可將Cruiser打八字扭轉摺疊佩戴,增強雙倍緊窄度。 Cruiser設計採用SilaSkin製成,這是我們專有的TPR和矽膠混合物,觸感非常柔軟,彈力非常強勁,可全日佩戴。




Perfect Fit品牌所出售之產品,旨在嚴格用作娛樂的成人新奇玩具。它們不適用於醫療用途,也未經過臨床測試。使用這些產品不保證或暗示任何醫療索賠。這些產品不含塑化劑,不含乳膠,符合歐洲EN71-3玩具安全標準。


顏色 透明
尺寸 中碼


Large and in charge

Our Cruiser Cock Ring is beefy and built to get the job done. But don’t let its bad boy looks put you off. It’s super stretchy so it’s extremely comfortable while it gently restricts your cock during sex. And, it’s beefy design gives you a package that gets notice. The Cruiser design is made with SilaSkin which is our proprietary blend of TPR and Silicone for a gentle squeeze.

Available colors: Black, Clear, Blue, Green

Clean up: Wash thoroughly with mild soap and water.

Safety: Safe with water based lubes. This product is not compatible with latex products. Please store separately.

Perfect Fit Brand Products are sold, and intended for use strictly as adult novelty toys for entertainment. They are not intended for medical use and have not been clinically tested. No medical claims are warranted or implied by the use of these products. These products are Phthalate free, do not contain latex, and meet European EN71-3 toy safety standards.

More Information

Color Clear
Size Medium

產品價格 HKD 249.00
折扣價格 HKD 199.00


*可選擇在全港過百間 (7-11便利店 / OK便利店 / 順豐站及門市) 靈活自取。


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