Pipedream®【初學者毛毛套金屬手扣-黑色】Fetish Fantasy Series-Beginner's Furry Cuffs-Black $149 # PD3800-23

Fetish Fantasy Series
Beginner's Furry Cuffs

Item Number: PD3800-23



Lock up your lover and explore your fetish fantasies with these Beginner Furry Cuffs. Lined with velvety-soft faux fur, these first-timer cuffs keep your lover comfortably constrained and looking and feeling sexy. The locking mechanism has a quick-release button in case you lose the key, and the cuffs easily adjust to fit most sizes. You'll both love the sensuous feel of the soft fur as it teases, tickles and titillates!

產品價格 HKD 149.00


*可選擇在全港過百間 (7-11便利店 / OK便利店 / 順豐站及門市) 靈活自取。

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