EARTHLY BODY®【可吃芒果味大麻籽按摩油】世界級專業按摩師選用 Edible Massage Oil Mango 8oz $239 # EB348

Edible Massage Oil Mango 8 oz
- 世界級專業按摩師選用 -

Item Number: EB348


我們的產品混合了多種不同成份製成 (包括大麻籽、杏仁、葡萄籽、杏桃和維生素E),保證100%純天然。每一款產品都帶有一點不同的調情味道,真正包含所有專業推拿和皮膚護理的所有好處!更好的是,我們的按摩油吸收能夠滋潤和調理肌膚,不會留下任何油膩的殘留物。

> 杏仁油是一種豐富的潤膚劑,可以保濕及鎖住水份,讓肌膚煥發青春光彩。
> 杏仁油專門針對乾燥皮膚,有助於舒緩皮膚乾燥。它吸收迅速,長時間提供水分。
> 大麻籽油含有高水平的Omega 36人體必需脂肪酸,可滋養和保護皮膚。
> 鱷梨油可以促進皮膚中膠原蛋白的生,幫助它保持光滑和恢復活力。它很容易吸收到皮膚,是一個很好的保濕劑。
> 迷迭香葉油富含強效抗氧化成分,有助於撫平細紋和皺紋。

Earthly Body的天然水療級按摩油採用各種不同油脂及混合最豐富的維生素,提供無與倫比的輕柔滲透和超爽滑質感。我們的產品精心調製,無糖可食用配方使皮膚光滑柔嫩,不粘不膩。巧妙的香氣令你更容易放鬆心情,更容易投入這個細膩的按摩世界。使用精選大麻籽來製造滋養和按摩身體的油,讓您的按摩更有意義:
在大麻籽油中發現的Omega 369脂肪酸可作為抗炎劑,舒緩受刺激和敏感的皮膚。

✔ 不含麩質
✔ 沒有THC /不含藥物
✔ 美國製造
✔ 不含石蠟
✔ 不含人造染料

We’ve always claimed our Massage Oils are pure enough to eat, and these have the taste to prove it. All the benefits of bonafide skincare and professional slip, with a bit of flirtatious flavor. Our 100% natural blend of skin oils (including Hemp, Almond, Grape Seed, Apricot and Vitamin E) provides a slick, professional glide. Better yet, our Massage Oil absorbs to moisturize and condition your skin, without any greasy residue.

> Sweet almond oil is a rich emollient that can renew hydration and give skin a long lasting youthful looking glow.
> Apricot kernel oil is good for soothing dry, parched skin. It absorbs quickly and provides moisture for long periods of time.
> Hemp seed oil has high levels of Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids which nourish and protect the skin.
> Avocado oil triggers the production of collagen in the skin which helps it stay smooth and rejuvenated. It easily absorbs into the skin and is an excellent moisturizer.
> Rosemary leaf oil is rich in powerful antioxidants and helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

Earthly Body’s natural, spa quality massage oil uses the finest fusion of vitamin rich oils to provide an unparalleled slip and penetrating softness. Subtly flavored so that the mood is not interrupted if your massage leads to something more. Our sugar-free, edible formulation leaves skin smooth and supple, not sticky or tacky. Make your massage mean more with Hemp Seed’s skin-nourishing Massage & Body Oil:

Emollient-rich oil blend works to lubricate skin and provide superior slip while leaving a non-greasy residue on skin after massage.
Almond oil softens skin and promotes skin strength with nourishing vitamin E and D, as well as anti-aging workhorse vitamin A.
Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids found in Hemp Seed oil act as an anti-inflammatory agent soothing irritated and sensitive skin.
Linoleic, oleic acid and vitamins A and E found in Apricot oil help skin regain its elasticity, clarity and suppleness.
Rosemary oil stimulates blood flow, increases circulation and rejuvenates, thus enhancing the massage experience.
Grapeseed oil containing anti-aging polyphenols and vitamin C helps prevent clogged pores, and antioxidants help slow down the aging process.

Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil, Prunus Armeniaca Kernel Oil, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Persea Gratissima Oil, Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil, Flavor, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil, Tocopherol
100% Vegan
Not Tested on Animals
Gluten Free
No THC/Drug Free
Paraben Free
Made in the USA
Phthalate Free
Petroleum Free
Free of Artificial Dyes
Free of Propylene Glycol

產品價格 HKD 239.00


*可選擇在全港過百間 (7-11便利店 / OK便利店 / 順豐站及門市) 靈活自取。


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